Coming in October 2020

In my zeal to eliminate a backlog of things I’ve been working on over the last couple of years before venturing out to actually publish something, my next novel should be out by late October. For those who have read one or both of the previous Chestnut Cove books, THANK YOU! Now, get ready for another!

Chestnut Cove: Belles and Balls picks up the Stuart family’s story eleven days after the conclusion of Chestnut Cove: Poseurs and Portraits. While much of KD Stuart’s identity as well as her goal remained obscured for most of the first book, prepare to follow her exploits, as well as godfather Matt Hunter’s, from beginning to end. Well, nothing they do is ever completely out in the open. Be prepared for a twist or two.

For those of you who haven’t read, my first two novels about the Stuart family, you have a few weeks to get a copy of one or both before they return for new adventures in a few weeks!